Member Spotlight – William Dexter

Santa Bill Dexter once again returned to the McGivney Community Center in Bridgeport for the center’s annual “Christmas Shopping” event held on Tuesday, Dec. 21st. Throughout the months leading up to this event, children at the center earn points by completing certain social and educational activities. They can then exchange these points for gifts donated to the center by community supporters. The stipulation being that the children must “buy” these gifts, not for themselves but for others, fostering the idea of giving.

This was both a walkaround meet-and-greet and a photo op session. Santa Duck, who owns Unitas Photography donated his time to take the photos of the kids with Santa while Santa Bill donated the 4×6 prints that were printed and delivered to the children on site. You can see the images on Duck’s photography website here;

The center offers after school programs to school children from several local districts and are supervised by some wonderful adult counselors. At this event children were paired with counselors who assisted them in their gift selections before they went to a gift wrapping station where volunteers helped the children wrap their gifts.

Needless to say, the energy was high and the excitement of meeting and talking with Santa was clearly palpable. Many an eye had a twinkle, not just Santa’s.


Member Spotlight – Scott & Carol Collins


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